Price can reflect the value of our product to a large extent and is the result of a complex set of calculations and research. Our promotional bags is priced based on the overall manufacturing cost, overhead expenses which consist of fixed expenses and variable expenses, etc. Taking the overall manufacturing cost as an example, we purchase certified raw materials - this leads to a relatively high cost. In the market now, there are many manufacturers buy low-quality raw materials and adopt poor-quality machines. Though they may provide a very low price, the products are definitely what you don't want and even can damage your reputation. To cover those costs mentioned above, Fujian East Promotions Co., Ltd. doesn't offer the lowest price but the most favorable price.
East Promotions gifts wins an honorable reputation for the customized service on mouse pad. We are developing rapidly in this field with our strong capability in manufacturing. Various in styles, East Promotions gifts's best travel bags can meet the needs of different customers. CRI is not the only way to judge the 'quality' of light. The product also performs well with consistent light output. A lot of measuring methods are developed to ensure the color output of the product. The product is highly received by many famous brands like Adidas, KPMG, Toyota, and Disney. It is more durable than I expected, and I could not find any damage even if used for a long time. - Said one of our customers. The product can be freely OEMed or ODMed.
We seek an open, transparent dialogue with all stakeholders to define strategies and actions based on clear targets and continuous improvement, and we actively report on our progress.